Is Poker Gambling?


You would know by this time that the majority of the poker players online today have likely arrived at the poker-playing rooms in the last ten years or so. We can easily discern the ‘old’ players from the ‘newcomers’, by the way – those rookies who are now either dominating the poker rooms or have made a significant effort to improve their game in areas where the new player has yet to master. So, when someone says they are studying poker – whether playing it professionally or just in the venues – what they may mean is they are roster the services of a poker coach.

When considered in the context of poker training, most of the serious poker players in the world today expenditure (both money and time) in the phase of improving their poker playing techniques. Whether it’s a monthly membership to a poker training site, or a weekly Heads-Up poker training session, or a multi-week poker DVD, the amount of time a player spends on improving their game is not insignificant. Certainly, the ones studying the most are the new guys and the girls on the first nights of playing professional poker for the first time.

And, in a way of speaking, the maven poker coach does not ‘tailor-tailor’ a single style for all players in the world. 바카라 사이트 Maven poker coaches, it is said will tailor some specific strategies for certain players while excluding others. The bottom line is that the poker maven will make some judgments and recommendations that are critical to the poker success of the student. These judgments can be on the size of bets, pot odds, implied odds, the profitability of drawing hands, and a myriad of other critical points. In short, the maven poker coach’s advice and strategies will have for one the same effect as if the student were to study these strategies and then sit patiently in a free tournament in front of the coach.

While it is one of the benefits of playing poker as a student that the coach can offer the student aimed advice, the fact that there are so many players in the world who study poker and take it seriously leads to questions being thrown at the poker maven poker coach. Some of these are:

Q. When you say something to the poker maven poker coach, what is your thought? Is that thought you wish to put into action, or is it a thought that you wish to ignore for fear of appearing cocky or overconfident?

There are different ways to evaluate coaching. One could conclude that I have all the answers as far as poker is concerned. The reality is that I have a good poker coach, and I make my decisions based on them. As far as emotions are concerned, my poker coach does not work on emotions, but on the logical basis of the players and poker’s thinking. As far as challenging my emotions, this is something the poker maven does far better than I can. My poker coach helps me see both ‘what it is’ (what my problem is) and also ‘how I can fix it’. This might be hard to do and this is the reason for lots of practice. The other part of this process is that a poker coach should be able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. This is the first point of affirmation.

And, let us leave aside the myths that hold each poker maven back, and identify the benefits of having a poker coach. Most of us are in the process of making a poker transition from amateur to professional status. We have played hundreds of thousands of hands, several of us are no longer amateurs, and we have all reached a certain level of bankrollJohnivity. It is time to take a step up, and the time may be the very next one. Poker coaching can help to make this process a little smoother, and also a little more lucrative.